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5 Things to Consider Before Installing New Solar Panels

In Nevada, the sun shines bright for more than two-thirds of the year, making it ideal for harvesting solar energy. The state gets nearly one-fourth of its energy supply from solar, enough to power 1,337,657 homes, and was ranked sixth in 2024 for using solar power.

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How Long Does the Tesla Solar Roof Last?

Tesla solar tiles are made of tempered glass, making them exceptionally resistant to physical and weather damage. The glass tiles are small-scale solar panels shaped like a typical roof shingle and replace your existing roof.

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What Should You Do If Your Roof Is Leaking in the Rain?

Learn what to do if your roof is leaking during heavy rain. Find out the causes and how to stop a leak in time to avoid potential damage and expensive repairs.

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Professional Roof Maintenance: What to Expect

Learn what to expect when scheduling professional roof maintenance in Reno. Avoid costly repairs & ensure your roof lasts its lifespan with regular maintenance.

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How Much Will Tesla Solar Roofs Cost?

Are you interested in getting a Tesla solar roof for your home? Find out how much it will cost you in 2024 and if it's the right investment for your home.

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Summer Roofing Maintenance: Preparing Your Roof for the Heat

Prepare your roof for summer with our essential maintenance tips. Learn how to protect your roof from heat damage and ensure it stays in top condition all season long.

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How Much Does a New Roof Increase Home Value

Thinking about a new roof? It can significantly improve your home's value! Learn how a new roof boosts curb appeal and increases market worth.

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When to Replace Gutters and Downspouts

Is it time to replace your gutters? Learn 5 key signs of failing gutters and downspouts to avoid water damage in your home and costly repairs later.

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How to Choose Between Repairing and Replacing Your Roof

Leaky roof? Don't panic! Our guide helps you decide between repairing your existing roof or investing in a full replacement. Save money and choose the right option!

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How Tesla Solar Roofs Can Transform Your Home's Energy Efficiency

Solar energy is transforming our lives. It's a clean and free source of energy. Once installed, solar panels can continue to power your home for years. No wonder it's becoming popular. In the US alone, 53% of all new electric capacity added to the grid in 2023 came from solar.

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How Does a Roof Replacement Work?

Is your roof beyond simple repairs? This typically happens when there’s widespread damage or the roof is nearing the end of its lifespan. Frequent leaks, structural problems, and reduced energy efficiency are clear signs you need a new roof.

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What to Look for When Hiring Roofing Contractors

As a homeowner, you probably dread the day you’ll find water stains on the ceiling, shingles in the yard, or critters in the attic. These are clear signs your roof needs help.

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What to Expect from a Roof Inspection: A Complete Guide

Your roof protects your home from harsh weather, extreme temperatures, and pesky critters. Years of harsh sun and intense storms can weaken its structural integrity. The more you disregard the subtle signs of wear and tear, the worse they get. 

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Common Causes of Winter Roof Leaks and How to Fix Them

Learn about the common causes of winter roof leaks and find expert guidance on how to effectively repair them, ensuring your home stays safe and dry.

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How Much Do Seamless Gutters Cost?

Discover the average cost of seamless gutters installation and make an informed decision for your home. Get pricing insights and expert advice here.

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How Much Does a Roof Inspection Cost in 2024?

Unlock the 2024 insights on roof inspection costs. Learn the value of safeguarding your home. Invest in peace of mind with our comprehensive guide.

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Why is Roof Maintenance Important?

Secure your home's future with essential roof maintenance. Discover the key reasons for regular care and enjoy lasting protection against the elements. Learn more.

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A Step-by-Step Guide: Roof Replacement Process

Explore our comprehensive step-by-step guide to roof replacement. Gain valuable insights and expert tips for a successful renovation process. Learn more.

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Roof Repair Tips: How to Find and Repair Roof Leaks

Get professional advice on how to fix a leaking roof. Our comprehensive guide helps locate and efficiently repair roof leaks for a secure home. Learn more.

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How to Repair Solar Panels: A Comprehensive Guide

Learn effective tips on how to repair solar panels. Discover expert advice for troubleshooting and fixing solar panel issues efficiently. Call us now!

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Leaks in the Roof- Warning Signs

Identify warning signs your roof is leaking. Learn how to spot and address potential leaks. Safeguard your home with insights on signs your roof is leaking.

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Which Is More Cost-Effective? Roof Repair or Replacement

Uncover the cost-effective choice between roof repair and replacement. Make an informed decision to protect your investment and your home's integrity.

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How to Prepare Your Roof for Fall: Top Tips

Learn how to prepare your roof for fall with expert tips. Safeguard your home from seasonal challenges and enjoy a worry-free autumn season.